Monday, October 11, 2010

GOOG-411 services on this November

Google said Friday that it will shut down its GOOG-411 service on this November and its shifting voice search capabilities to its Android phone OS.

Google will restore the basic functionality of the411 service with a text option instead of calling 800.

GOOG-411, users can type the name and the location of the business to the number 466453 and then the service will text back the phone number of the business.
GOOG-411 services on this November
When the Google launched GOOG-411 services, the company thought it is planned to use the voice samples captured by phone system and it is used to improve its voice recognition.

Today, the capability to provide voice samples and it has been replaced by smart phones, Google said, with the people performing voice actions and other commands through voice.

Google plan to put all of their resources into speech-enabling the next generation of Google products and services across a multitude of languages."


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